Saturday, January 1, 2011

Can You Really Train A Cat?

  You may doubt or even wonder whether or not you can really train your cat. With the right guidance it can be easier than you might think. And is possible! We tried everything we could think of to get our cats from eating our Plants!
  We've read all kinds of "cat problems" information we could get our hands on. Every so often something would work and then it would start all over again. Oh, NO! This had to stop!
 One day while I was on the internet I thought "there's got to be something else I could find online that could help?" Sure enough there was. But it wasn't until we applied the information we found in "CAT OBEDIENCE TRAINING SECRETS TO STOP YOUR CAT'S BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS" that our boy's got the hint and stopped eating the plants. To bad we didn't find this information sooner, the ficus might have lived. Oh well. He's a good boy now, that's all that matters.  

 How To Train A Cat Not To Scarch Furniture can be a real issue, this is a real pet peeve of mine and this was my solution, scream at the top of my lungs to make them stop. You can only imagine how frightened they all were. I was a monster mom at these moments and lost their trust which I'd worked so hard to get. How were we going to overcome these cat problems?!
  Went to the local Pet Smart and they suggested Cat Scratching poles. Which we bought. Okay, they used the poles and still worked away on the furniture. Back to the Store for another suggestion. They gave me a bottle of this orange bitter spray to use on the furniture. Not a winner!
  When you'd sit on the furniture, and rub or touch your face, YUCK!!!, orange bitters on your skin! Another mistake! It was only when we put into practice the advice given in "Cat Obedience Training Secrets To Stop Your Cat's Behavior Problems" that my furniture was saved and I don't go around the house like a raving maniac.

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